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Saturday, April 24, 2010

From the Valuation Desk

On an average an examiner spent hardly 8-10 minutes to evaluate your answer book. so a deliberate effort from the part of students is required to make the answer book a fast scoring machine. Here are some clues for catching the attention of and to impress the valuer quickly.

1. First impression is the best impression. so write the best know answers first.
2. Write legibly and neatly
3. Draw margins in every page using HB pencil
4. Give titles to every answers
5. Underline titles and sub-titles using HB pencil
6. Draw boarders at the end of each answers if possible
7. avoid simply list out points. prefer to write points one by one with a brief explanation.
8. avoid usages like 'it is the most importance' or it is very important' etc. go directly to your answers
9. Distribute time intelligently so as to attend the required no of questions comfortably
10. last but not the least anwer exactly to the question. avoid including unwanted contents in your answers.


1 comment:

shalumon said...

thank you dear.this is most use full to me